2017. It was so nice to see Dr. Jane Goodall again. Such an inspiring and energetic person. Dr. Jane has such a warm heart. She is my big example and source of inspiration. Please keep an eye on this page, as we had an amazing meeting and exchanged ideas. Some great news will follow soon …
In July 1960, Jane Goodall began her landmark study of chimpanzees in what is now Tanzania under the mentorship of famed anthropologist and paleontologist Dr. Louis Leakey. Her work at Gombe Stream would become the foundation of future primatological research and redefine the relationship between humans and animals.
In 1977, Dr. Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), which continues the Gombe research and is a global leader in the effort to protect chimpanzees and their habitats.
Today, the Institute is widely recognized for establishing innovative, community-centered conservation and development programs in Africa, and Jane Goodall’s Roots&Shoots, JGI’s global environmental and humanitarian youth network, which has groups in more than 120 countries.
Location: Gent, Belgium
Photographer © Søren Decraene